Wednesday, December 30, 2009



If I were in a band here are some of the possible band names I would choose:

1. The Rubber Biscuits

2. Pimp Spit

3. Hate or Anal

4. Cosby sweaters and banana hammocks

5. Tongue Punch

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Getting ready to wrap up another decade this coming New Year's Eve. According to "New York Magazine", a list of 16-once common items that were made obsolete in 2000s include:

1. Answering machines

2. Lickable stamps

3. Foldable maps

4. Cathode ray tube TVs

5. Incandescent light bulbs

6. Paying for pornography

7. Smoking in bars

8. Fax machines

9. Hydrox cookies

10. Cassette tapes

11. Floppy disks

12. Phone books

13. Polaroid photos

14. Bank deposit slips

15. Subway tokens

16. The Rolodex


-Michael Jackson

-Champlain Bridge

and-soon-to-be Burlington Telecom...let's face it, writing is on the wall...firing squad is lined up.